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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

Archive for the ‘Shamanism’ Category

Tears + Geckos – A Wild Cosmic Heart Journey

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Seven years ago, I began planning a week-long retreat that would take place on the Big Island of Hawaii. I wanted to spend a week exploring our wild cosmic heart. I had no idea that a week before the retreat a hurricane would sweep the East Coast. I had no idea that three weeks before the retreat I would have medical appointments and not feel well. I had no idea that my heart would feel so heavy and raw.

In November of 2012 as I prepared to leave for my flight, I thought of canceling – of staying home to help family and friends affected by the storm. I thought about how I would reschedule my medical appointments that were canceled due to the power outages from the hurricane. I thought about volunteering somewhere to help hurricane victims who lost everything.

When I asked friends if I should still lead the retreat, they all gave the same answer – YES. I listened and took an 11-hour flight to Hawaii. I arrived exhausted and anxious. When I arrived at my room, two large geckos were awaiting me. I barley slept my first night and, in the morning, I met with the Group Manager. She greeted me with a big hug and my eyes filled with tears.

As the week continued I knew I was in the right place (not only because it was Hawaii). I met so many people willing to explore their hearts. I met people who were open to being seen and heard. I met people who were willing to be vulnerable. As I sat and listened to the retreat participants, I became more in awe of the many people who live their life celebrating and tending to their wild cosmic heart.

I met Louise whose husband was dying of brain cancer. I met Yolanda who celebrated her 75th birthday with friends and a group of strangers. I watched Tina snorkel with joy as she swam in the warm ponds. I smiled as Angela took her first hula class. I listened to Francine remember that she can drum and sing. I took a picture of Susan sitting in her shamanic earth mandala, which she made in the roots of a huge tree. I laughed with Lisa in the water, like a teenager with the giggles.

Most of all, I remember that my heart felt open and grateful. I realized that when I open and invite others into my heart, the world expands. Many in the our sacred circle were longing for connection, community, and belonging. The Wild Cosmic Heart Retreats offers just that — deep connections through guided meditations, mindfulness walks around trees, shamanic journeying to the garden of the heart, and sacred play. In the midst of worry and responsibility, participants from around the world were willing to drop the armor around their heart.

I even befriended the Geckos, known to me as Heckle and Jeckle. The retreat was so powerful that I have taught it again and again. And this November, I will be facilitating the Wild Cosmic Heart Retreat at Kalani on the Big Island of Hawaii, November 4-10, 2018. Join us for a week of daily meditations, mindfulness walks in the luscious tropics, shamanic journeying, and homemade ice cream! What is your wild cosmic heart asking of you?

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The Drum and the Dream

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Are you willing to listen to your most profound sound living in you and dream it into being?

Am launching a new shamanic teaching and journey program – the Drum and the Dream. It was time to birth new life into shamanic healing and teaching practices.

As I focused more on ways to nourish peace within myself, I meditated on nurturing a direct path to peace. This led me to my heart-center and connecting to my inner rhythm. Deep meditation and writing allowed me to relate to my personal rhythm and connect it to universal rhythms. This shamanic journey of the heart led to profound processes and my path into the Drum and the Dream.

Are you willing to expand the maximum capacity of your heart?

Perhaps by connecting to our own personal rhythm, we can relate to those around us in new ways. We can connect with our heart first and then our mind. We can connect on deeper levels, beyond the known and into the unknown and unseen world. We can meet each other with purpose. We can learn ways to release anger and open to patience acceptance. We can learn ways to relate to our own personal rhythms that live inside of us. We can step into the life we have been longing for.  

Maybe it is time to embark on a deep personal healing journey.

We are all dreaming the world into being. It is not the sleeping dream we’re familiar with, but the waking dream we craft with our eyes open. When we awaken our power to dream, we can begin to create original dreams that allow us to embrace the ever-shifting landscape with equanimity and courage.

Welcome to the Drum and the Dream!

We will be offering the Drum and Dream shamanic teaching and journeys who will share more specifics of the processes and practices you will learn in the Rhythms of the East workshop/training starting in April 2018. 

** Also, save the date: the Drum and the Dream Shamanic Retreat: Rhythms of the East will be held at Menla Retreat Center in the Catskills, September 28-30, 2018.


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The Hidden Treasures Within

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I thought I knew why I was traveling to Peru – to say thank you for 11 years of shamanism as a student and teacher. I started studying Peruvian shamanism after my mom passed away and shamanism helped me get through my levels of grief. I thought I was going to South America to give back; to offer some mesa stones and dark chocolate to Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca. It seemed so perfect that the name of my trip was called, “The Hidden Treasures of Peru.”

I was completely surprised that my experience was not the celebration of 11 years of shamanism that broke open my grief, but rather my trip was about 11 years of celebration of my life. As I journeyed through the many sacred sites and ruins, I had the opportunity to place my hands on large stones and to plant stones from a global medicine wheel throughout Peru. I experienced playing with children, learning from the women weavers, dancing in Lima, feeding llamas, climbing Machu Picchu, walking on a floating island, and making many new friends. I realized the journey was about my presence in the world and the gifts I offer. The hidden treasure wasn’t the ancient lands, landmarks, or even Machu Picchu. The hidden treasure was my life and I celebrated it everywhere I went in Peru. I realized by the end of the trip that other people had joined me in celebrating life – my life.

When I came home, I received a beautiful email. A new friend wrote, “You brought a very special dynamic to the trip, and truly added to my whole Peru experience…as I think you did for many. In fact I feel that you were one of the hidden treasures awaiting me in Peru.”

I came home realizing that my gifts are no longer hidden. They are available for the world to see and experience. The hidden treasure of my life is ready to be celebrated.

Please join me in celebrating life and all your hidden treasures within!

Mary Anne


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Are You Ready to Explore Your Wild Cosmic Heart?

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Experience the exquisite and ecstatic energy of your heart that connects you to your authentic self. Using primarily classic meditations methods, shamanic journeying, guided visualizations, as well as other experiential practices, we will explore some important aspects of the heart. We will be drawing on the physical and energetic experiences as well as the inspiration of poetry and lore from various cultures, myths and spiritual traditions to awaken our untamed heart. Our week long retreat includes experiencing shamanic practices and other rituals to awaken and access our greatest source of power – our heart.

This special retreat will be held at Kalani Oceanside Retreat. Kalani is on the Big Island and is bordered by tropical jungle and the Pacific Ocean. Kalani Honua means harmony of heaven and earth and our retreat will allow you to experience this.

The retreat includes:

– exploring heart-centered practices …

Continue reading about this unique opportunity taking place on the Big Island, Hawaii, on November 4 – 10, 2012.


Mary Anne

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Autism, Shamans, and Love

Monday, September 28th, 2009

The Horse BoyI had the amazing opportunity to attend a pre-screening of the movie, The Horse Boy. It is the true story of a Texas couple and their son’s journey on horseback through Outer Mongolia in an attempt to heal their son’s autism. Rupert Isaacson, a writer and former horse trainer, and his wife, Kristin Neff, a psychology professor, sought help for their son, Rowan, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. They went to numerous doctors and tried many medications, but all traditional therapies and medications had little effect on Rowan. They discovered that throughout Rowan’s tantrums, many of which could last as long as four hours, that the one thing that helped Rowan remain calm was when he was with horses. Rowan had a natural affinity to animals and he could poke and prod the animals and their response would be a gentle, quiet stillness.

Rupert and his wife discussed bringing Rowan to shamans in Mongolia for healing. Rupert had worked with shamans before through his work as a journalist in Africa. He thought if he could bring Rowan to healers who would work with him and experience their horses, this could possibly bring about a cure. The movie revealed a profound insight into the world of the autistic mind. It showed the courage of parents who traveled half way around the world for their child – only to wonder at various points if the trip was really for Rowan or for them. The movie showed the vulnerability of parents and the everyday uphill battles of living with an autistic child. Rowan gave all autistic children a voice of hope and love.

I do not wish to reveal everything about the movie (it’s playing at the IFC theatre in Manhattan September 30 – October 1 www.ifccenter.com) I do want to say that this powerful movie shows how children can relate to their parents, to the land, to animals, to shamans, and to the world in new ways. As Isaacson said after the movie ended, “Many cultures have shamans – Africa, Mongolia, Australia, the Rainforest, and the America’s. When you ask shamans from around the world to share their various healing techniques, they all share the same response – love. It’s all about directing love.”

I sat through the first 30 minutes of this movie crying. I was crying for a little boy who had no way of expressing himself except long screaming tantrums. I was crying for the parents who were doing everything they could to help alleviate the suffering of their son. I was crying for family and friends who have been through their own journey with autism. At the very end of the night, Isaacson spoke to the audience and told us what he was able to learn from this experience. He told us he didn’t want a cure for autism. He wants healing. Isaacson said that he doesn’t want his son to suffer, but that he wants him to keep his personality – that is what makes him special. This really is a remarkable film about a family’s extraordinary journey, adventure, shamanic and human experiences. Most of all, it is a story of love.

If you are unable to see the movie, I encourage everyone to go and purchase the book, The Horse Boy.

Abundant love and healing, Mary Anne

This is dedicated to Rupert Isaacson, Kristin Neff, and Rowan for sharing their remarkable story as a testimony of courage and love as well as to the shamans throughout the world – seeking to direct­­ love and consequently healing. This is also, dedicated to the many families who seek healing for their autistic family members.

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